Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Top 10 Romantic Flowers and their Meaning

Some of us ladies are still thrilled when the florist van arrives at our door but before sending flowers find out what message you are sending.

Rather than just nipping in to the local petrol station or buying forced flowers from the supermarket, put a little effort in to selecting and sending flowers. However beware of what you are sending, red roses say I love you but yellow roses say we are just friends or denote jealousy. I have included which colour of flowers is the most appropriate for romance.

Most women are unaware of the meaning behind flowers so whether you send flowers yourself or through a florist make sure the card holds the information to the meaning of the flowers being sent.

Any good florist will know the meaning of the flowers, so if buying through a florist tell them the message you want to send and they will advise you on which flowers are appropriate.

10. Iris - Blue is faith and hope, purple means compliments or wisdom, white is purity and yellow is passion.

9. Acacia -Unspoken love, send these if you want to let someone know of your secret admiration.

8. Primrose – I can’t live without you (evening primose means happy in love).

7. Lilac - youthful or humility, also confidence.

6. Carnation -Fascination. Pink is maternal love, striped carnations mean refusal and say you cannot be with someone, yellow is rejection or disappointment but red means my heart aches for you or I am fascinated with you.

5. Orchid - Rare beauty, refinement, beautiful woman, long life, femininity or mature charm.

4. Lily – White is purity or virginity, yellow means walking on air but also falsehood and orange means I burn for you.

3. Tulip - Red is a declaration of love, multi coloured means you have beautiful eyes and yellow is hopelessly in love.

2. Daisy – Innocence or a loyal love.

1. Rose – Red roses say I love you but if you place red and white roses together it symbolises perfect unity. A thornless rose means I loved you at first sight. Each colour of rose has a different meaning but for love red is the only colour to send.

If a man were to send me flowers I would hope for orchids!!

New Relationship Dos and Don'ts

New Relationship Do's and Don'ts
The first few weeks of the love game is when one of two things might happen: romance and passion infects you, bonding your hearts forever more, or one of you flops and ruins the chemistry before it has a chance to take hold. Which will it be for you? Heed our tips and make sure your relationship kicks off with a bang.

Have normal, get-to-know-you conversations. Talking incessantly about how you feel and how great things are going between the two of you is nothing short of obnoxious. It projects a certain amount of immaturity that repels the good dates and attracts the wrong ones.

Pressuring your date to do anything is a big no-no. Once again, it is a sign of relationship immaturity as well as personal immaturity. You could beg your date to go to church with your family on Sunday or argue good reasons to stay the night with you -- the nature of your pressuring doesn't matter. What matters is that you are selfishly disrespecting your date’s boundaries. If a relationship starts off with one person pressing on the other’s limits or preferences, there are bound to be loads of regret by the end of it.

Taking Hints
Pay attention to the clues your date is giving you. They may be inviting more intimacy, they may be trying to show you where their boundaries are, or they may be trying to subtly tell you that you’ve got dragon breath. Either way, you want to know, so pay attention. If you aren’t sure, ask; it is a far better option than making the wrong assumption.

Texts and Phone Calls
Refrain from over-calling/texting to keep things light and friendly. Remember the guidelines for conversation even when texting. The “I miss you” text every day when you only just met is really annoying. Not until you are an “official” couple is it appropriate to text or call to talk about your emotions or anything sexual. Don’t call or text to tell them how nice their butt looked the night before. Save that sort of flattery for when you are in the moment, and even then, use it sparingly because it can easily be construed as trashy and rude. What you should focus on is getting to know the other person and letting them get to know you. Think of it this way… After every message or every phone conversation, the other person is going to mull over it in their mind and might even talk about it with a friend. They will dismantle every word you said and search for more meaning behind the words.

Everybody wants to put their best foot forward in a new dating relationship, but don’t pretend to be someone you are not. In turn, watch for warning signs that your date isn’t all they seem to be. Dishonesty, especially misrepresenting themselves, is a big red flag that shouldn’t be ignored. When you do get a clue that there are major differences in areas like spirituality, family, social ethics, or politics, be honest with yourself about the possibility of being truly happy with them. You are looking for a match and so are they.

Gut Instincts
Listen to your gut. If you hear the little alarms going off inside of you, pay attention to them. It is easy to brush your feelings to the side in an effort to fall in love, but when you ignore your instincts over and over again, it gets more difficult to recognize when they are trying to alert you. Most of the time, later on in a relationship or a while after a relationship, one can look back and see the exact time during the first few weeks (many times in the first couple of days) that they had a gut feeling about their date and it turned out to be right.

Don’t be too quick to judge. Sometimes it is wise to look at yourself just as critically during a new relationship. For instance, if you are often turned off by how little men spend on you when they take you out, perhaps it is your value system that needs a check-up rather than theirs.

Maintaining Your Self
Don’t drop everything else in your life. It is common, especially for women, to forget about themselves and take on the identity of their partners. That is the consequence of bad past relationships and lack of positive relationship role models. You can prevent losing yourself in a new relationship by keeping the things that matter to you a part of your daily life. Things like journaling, reading, exercising, and spending time with friends and family, all the things that help to keep you a healthy, balanced person, should remain high on your priority list. Make a point to enjoy the same things you normally do, even in the first weeks of a new romance.

Lowering the Bar
Keep your standards high. Don’t talk yourself into being okay with something that you aren’t. Settling is a sure way to get yourself into a miserable relationship. Do you remember the last time you said to yourself, “I should have known when they… ?” If you aren’t sure what your standard is, make a list of all the things you want in a partner. If your date doesn’t fit the bill, don’t waist your precious time.

Planning and Paying
It is a great idea to trade off date planning and date funding. Not to say that it should be a regulated arrangement of every other date or anything, but stepping away from the traditional system of men planning and paying for all dates can be a lot of fun and make it easier to get to know each other. Taking control of the rendezvous enables you to surprise them, impress them, and romance them. In addition, you can learn a lot about them by switching roles.

Alcohol Consumption
The general rule is to stay relatively sober for at least the first month of dating someone. Getting sloshy drunk anytime in those first few weeks is likely to be your kiss of death. They will undoubtedly see you at your worst and redeeming yourself from that is not an easy feat.

Meeting Friends, Family, and the Ex Ease your new love interest into your social circles. Start off by introducing them to a few select friends, particularly those who help you “screen” prospective mates. An introduction to family members, especially parents, and ex’s, even if they are still a part of your life, shouldn’t happen until you are at least approaching a month of dating. Why? Besides being a little weird and moving too fast, you want to wait because it takes a while to establish comfort levels in social situations. This will give you time to learn to recognize each other’s cues and know enough about each other that an “inner circle" situation isn’t uncomfortable.

Keeping Your Distance
Don’t overwhelm them with attention. Don’t invite yourself over more than once a week, and don’t smother them with physical affection when you are together. You may feel the urge to reach out and touch their sweet face over and over again, but refrain because it is uncomfortable. Men and women often make the mistake of jumping into “couple” behaviors like smooching, holding hands, using terms of endearment, and touching them in sexual ways too soon and scaring off their dates. I will again reiterate that getting to know someone for who they are as an individual should be the focus of a new relationship. Too often, people get caught up in the romance before realizing how little they actually know about their partner.

Everybody has their dirty little secrets, and it wouldn’t be good for you to go telling them to every person you date, but you might want to drop a hint here and there to test the waters. In those first couple of weeks, be as honest as you would like them to be with you. For some couples, after a few dates and things are going well, it could help to discuss the fact that you both have pasts and that you should share them later on down the road. Just make sure that when that one month mark (or comparable milestone) comes around, you let them know some of the details of the skeletons you alluded to. Otherwise, they become secrets that will surely hinder your relationship

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

10. Justin Guarini -- Let’s Stay Together

Justin Guarini serenaded us with his rendition of “Let’s Stay Together” and it was a huge hit. Who didn’t want to step back into 1972 with him at that moment? Looking back, I can call it a bit cheesy, but just like many of the men whose onscreen moments have stolen my heart over the decades, he will stay a romantic memory for years to come.

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

9. Ruben Studdard -- A Whole New World

If anyone can sing Disney tunes on American Idol and get the votes, it's Ruben Studdard. His teddy bear persona, gentle spirit and loving eyes made it one of the most romantic performances I’ve seen yet.

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

8. Bo Bice -- In a Dream

Dreamboat Bo Bice burned his voice into our souls with this his acapella version of “In a Dream.” The lighting, his vulnerability, the words, his eyes… he swept me off my feet with his performance. He was meant to sing love songs.

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

7. Lakisha Jones -- And I am Telling You I’m Not Going

I was waiting for Lakisha Jones to burst into tears during her performance of “And I am Telling You I’m Not Going” and if she had, I would’ve cried with her; she was that good. She seemed to express every possible emotion in that 2 ½ minutes, and I love her for it.

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

6. Jason Castro -- Hallelujah

Jason Castro gave us one of the most memorable moments in American Idol history with his version of Hallelujah, a deep and emotional love song. His unforgettable performance touched the heart of every woman watching.

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

5. Kelly Clarkson -- A Moment Like This

I am constantly disappointed by the lackluster performances of my favorite love songs on American Idol, but this one exceeded any possible expectation. So many have tried this song, but it took powerhouse Kelly Clarkson to get it right. She met every expectation of the show’s hopeless romantic fans.

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

4. Carrie Underwood -- Alone

One of my all-time favorite performances on American Idol, and the one that put Carrie at the top for me, “Alone” was a shining moment for the show and for her career. The song is one of those that makes my heart ache at the first beat, and I have to say that I liked Carrie’s version just as much Heart’s (I know admitting that is a mortal sin, but Carrie really did rock it)! The best version ever is their duet while on tour.

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

3. Christina Christian -- Ain’t No Sunshine

This romantic song we hear in chick flicks every year won our hearts once again through the lips of Christina Christian. Her eyes during this performance told the story as much as the lyrics. Bravo, Christina!

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

2. Chris Daughtry -- Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?

We saw a new side of smoldering hot Chris Daughtry during his rendition of “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?” He gave us a peek into the man only his wife knows, and America loved it!

Ten Best American Idol Love Songs

1. David Cook -- Hello

Our most recent American Idol winner David Cook convinces his audience that his version of Lionel Richie’s “Hello” is a contemporary love song. His performance seems so intimate, like he is singing it to the love of his life. No wonder America fell in love with him.

Best Breakup Songs

Best Breakup Songs
There's something about music that can soothe the soul and make us temporarily forget our troubles. When life has got you down and you're feeling heartbroken and blue, turn to these breakup anthems to help get you back on track. Get ready to put down the Häagen-Dazs and sing your broken heart out.

Angry & Mad Breakup Songs
Not every breakup has you singing the blues. Some leave you just plain ticked off! Get the vengance out of your system with these classic breakup songs.

Shut Up by Black Eyed Peas
Favorite Lyric: That's why you don't believe my lies

Get Out (Leave) by JoJo
Favorite Lyric: It's too late (now) and I can't wait for you to be gone

Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles
Favorite Lyric: Well baby, listen baby, don't ya treat me this-a way
Cause I'll be back on my feet some day

Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac
Favorite Lyric: Loving you isn't the right thing to do

You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
Favorite Lyric: And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back
I hope you feel it...well can you feel it

Romantic Text Messages

Romantic Text MessagesShowing your feelings has never been easier since the advent of the text message. Anytime or anywhere you can instantly shoot off a message across the globe to the one you love, letting them know they are on your mind. Unfortunately, it isn't always easy coming up with witty romantic words of love. So, to help ease your burden, we've come up with a whole host of romantic messages that will set your love's heart atwitter with delight. If you have a great message that isn't included here, let us know and we'll include it in our list! Happy Texting!

  • Let these words not only touch your eyes, let them travel through your soul, and let them rest in your heart as you rest in mine…I love you.

  • You're still the one…

  • Words alone will never be able to express the depth of my love for you.

  • In case you didn't know, I'll be loving you always and forever!!

  • Just when I thought it couldn't get better, you prove me wrong! I love you!

  • Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I've done in my life.

  • Hand in hand and heart to heart my love for you shall never part.

  • Even though we are apart, my love you will never part.

  • I'll love the sun for days, the moon for nights, and YOU for forever.

  • Loving you makes my heart explode with happiness.

  • Rains fall, winds blow, the sun shines... it all comes naturally, just like loving you.

  • Simply said... I love you...

  • Being with you is like having every single one of my wishes come true.

  • Loving you has been the best thing to ever happen to me!

  • Just had to let you know... you're the best! I love you!

  • There is no long distance about love; it always finds a way to bring hearts together, no matter how many miles are between them.

  • You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart.

  • I wish I was there to hold you tight instead of just send this loving, "Good Night."

  • Thank you for being the one who calms all my inner fears.

  • Your love is all I'll ever need.

Tell-tale Signs that It’s Love, Love, Love

Tell Tale SignsYou’ve got butterflies, good conversation, maybe even great sex, but sometimes it can be difficult to be sure if it’s love. How do you decipher whether the feeling in the pit of your stomach is the nervous quivering of anticipation or yesterday's lunch? Luckily, knows that “fools in love” are easy to spot. Here are some tell-tale signs that it just be might be love, love, love.

You are best friends. You laugh with them more than anyone else. The feelings of anticipation, passion, and connection are mutual. You remember little things about each other like their favorite foods, the places they want to visit and why, their views on everything from politics to fashion, and what they love about their closest buddies, but is it enough? Take a look at these signs to be sure.

What he’ll do:

  • Put you on his “A” list (pay attention -- You'll know if you're not on it)
  • Introduce you to his family
  • Make plans for the future (near and far)
  • Do things outside of his “box” with you
  • Share his secrets and his dreams for the future with you
  • Worry about impressing your friends
  • Come right over when you ask him to
  • Try to do things that comfort you or relieve some of your stress (like surprise you with dinner on a night you are working, rub your feet, or ask about your day)
  • Appreciate and reciprocate your feelings and your actions like giving you a massage after he gets one from you, doing the dishes after dinner, or sending you a gift

What she’ll do:

  • Share her embarrassing moments and fantasies with you
  • Little things all throughout the day that let you know she’s thinking about you
  • Fantasize about her life with you, getting married, having kids, growing old, traveling the world, etc.
  • Tease you
  • Hang out with your mother or talk to her on the phone
  • Appreciate and reciprocate your feelings and your actions, like offering to pay for dinner, getting tickets to a game or event she knows you’ll love, or cooking for you
  • Ask questions about your life -- past, present, and future
  • Flirt with you

How you’ll feel:

  • Excited, yet relaxed
  • Vulnerable, yet strong
  • Comfortable enough to be yourself in front of them
  • Like you want to include them in everything (but you won't desert your usual crowd to be in a relationship with them)
  • You’ll miss them when they’re not around
  • You can’t wait to see them, talk to them, play with them, and kiss them
  • You’ll find yourself wanting to make plans to have them all to yourself
  • You’ll have urges to do romantic things (maybe on the verge of stalker-like things) that you never thought you’d never do

Signs that it’s not love:

  • They blow you off or cancel dates
  • Talking about commitment makes either of you uneasy or nervous
  • Either of you are seeing other people
  • Things are moving too quickly for one of you
  • You find your partner lacking when compared to other people
  • You watch a love scene in a movie or hear a love song and you feel a strong longing or desire for what you don’t have

    Tips before you commit:

  • Take the time to compare who you have with who you know deep down that you desire and deserve. Likewise, compare the relationship you have with the one you know you really want.
  • Pay attention to how they treat their friends, family, business associates, and strangers. This is a good indication of how they will treat you over time and a big insight into their overall character.
  • Ask yourself how well you know them and how well they know you.

Getting What You Want In Bed

Getting What You Want In Bed
Don’t let another night go by wishing and hoping that your man would get it right. Pleasing a woman takes knowledge and understanding. More than likely, your man would give anything to rock your world, he just doesn’t know how. Teach him how to please you by following our super sexy lesson plans. No need to share your plan with him; it will be our little secret.

You are about to embark on a serious training project and like any endeavor of this sort, it requires a good plan. One thing to keep in mind throughout the process is that you are training a man, and it calls for a bit more finesse than training say, a child, a dog, or an athlete. The best way to train him is to never let on that there is anything wrong. Instead, he should believe that you are expanding the adventure of your already wonderful lovemaking. In addition, secret planning will enable you to implement one of the most useful pieces of man-training: turning the neck. You have heard the metaphor that the man may be the head of the house, but it is the woman, as the neck, that turns the head in the direction she desires.

Smart women have figured out that if you allow a man to think that he came up with his ideas all on his own, he will be much more committed to following through with them. One of the key differences between a man and a woman is his need to be appreciated as a mastermind, a fixer, and a great lover. He actually needs that confirmation to retain his pride as a man. Women don’t need the ego confirmation like a man does. They need to be cherished, adored and respected. Play your womanly hand in this game of love and greatly increase both your chances of winning.

To begin training your husband, you will need to choose which lesson you would like to start with. You don’t want to overwhelm him with too much at the same time; it is too easy to slip up and make him feel bad about himself. You might choose to work on foreplay first, or it might be what he does or doesn’t do during sex, or maybe it is the lack of adventure in your sex life that you choose to tackle first. The next step is to choose your angle. Here are a few options:

  • Take a love quiz like this one or this one together. It will open up conversation about what things you always wanted to try, what things really turn you on, etc.

  • Open up a conversation by asking him about his desires first. Ask him what he really likes, what he would like more of, and what he’s always wanted to try. The conversation should then turn to what you really like, what you want more of, and what you’ve always wanted to try.

  • Go out to dinner and have a few drinks. Then, as a “spur of the moment idea,” share your sensual wish lists with each other, writing down things you both hope to experience on cocktail napkins so you can look at them again the next day.

  • Tell him what you want him to do in the heat of the moment. The closer a man is to climax, the more appeasing he is, so take the opportunity when he is hot and ready to tell him something you wish he would do. Say it in a super sexy way and refrain from criticizing him in any way. Say something like, “Oh baby, you feel so good… I want you to _____.”

  • Mention something you’d like to experience when the two of you are doing something totally non-sexual, taking him by surprise with your non-shalant attitude. Imagine driving home from the grocery store and mentioning out of the blue that you have been imagining what it would be like to do it on the kitchen counter or wondering what it would be like to buy a sex toy together. That leaves it in his court, and odds are that you’ll have that fantasy come true before the week is out.

  • Introduce your desires and fantasies by construing a little fib, “A friend told me a story today at work. You wouldn’t believe what she tried with her husband last night…” or “I stumbled on an article about something interesting today and it made me so hot, imaging us doing it. It was all about ____” or “I had the hottest dream about you last night. You were _____.”

  • Set up a role play rendezvous where you are in charge. You could be a sex instructor or dominatrix. That way, you can tell him what you want him to do and he will love the idea of being “schooled” by a hot sex master!

  • Challenge him. Bring out his competitive nature with a sexy challenge. One idea, if you are sick of the hum drum five minute lay before bed, is to tell him that you will have sex with him anywhere, anytime, as long as it is not on your bed. Another idea is to make a game with him, a challenge of who can take the reigns and create the hottest sexual encounter. You each make a short list of things you want and swap lists. Include four or so things that you like that he does already and four more things that you want him to do. Don’t tell him to do the same, though. Let him put whatever he wants on his list, so he doesn’t feel like this is a project to make him better in bed, but just a fun encounter to have. Roll dice to see who gets the first night and have a blast playing out your challenge and see whose rendezvous works out best!

Whichever angle you choose, just make sure that you encourage him to lead you just as much as you lead him. He needs to feel like an equal participant in pleasing you, and after he’s trained, you won’t have to try! In addition, don’t treat every opportunity as a training exercise. Let the lessons go once in a while. The goal is to make him a better lover without damaging his self-esteem. After all, it is a well-known fact that confidence is the most important element to attraction. If you knock down his self-esteem, you won’t ever turn him into the perfect love machine.

You don’t always need an angle. Definitely shake things up a bit. Remember that you are choosing one lesson at a time and you should try different approaches often so that he doesn’t begin to feel like his manhood is being challenged. Your training will go a whole lot smoother if he just sees you as being extra adventurous, not out to change his ways. Some secrets are worth keeping…

Find sexy ways to let him know what you want from him.

  • Talk to him sweetly, using your bedroom voice. Whisper what you want in his ear, but do it kindly. For example, if he is pounding you like a jack rabbit, tell him that you want to “feel him more, slowly.”

  • Give him physical clues to what you would like. For example, if you want him to handle your breasts more, put them right in his face. Men can’t help but grab onto bouncing boobies.

  • If you want him to alter the way he does something, try doing it to him first. It won’t take long for him to get the hint that you are giving him. If that alone doesn’t get him doing what you want, show him how you like it by guiding him. Move his hands or body and tell him, “Like this.” Telling him how you like it while it’s happening instead of criticizing afterword makes it more of an erotic experience than a “schooling.”

You need to teach your guy what you like. Encouraging him when he’s doing it right is the most effective training method. It is called positive reinforcement and it is the essence of man-training. During love-making is the perfect opportunity for it because it is the time when he is most receptive. Memorize these tips like the back of your hand and use them every chance you get through the training process and after. A man can never get enough positive reinforcement.

  • Let your inhibitions go and your vocals loose. The tiniest inkling to let out a moan or tell him “yes” and you should let it out. Scream if you feel like it, men love it.

  • Don’t over-reward. Make your reaction in direct ratio to the amount of pleasure he is giving you. Most of this will come naturally of course, but it doesn’t hurt to keep it in mind while you are on the mission to train.

  • Tell him that you really like what he’s doing and that you want to try it in a different position, in a different room, slower, faster, or whatever you want. The key part is to reinforce that you like what he is doing already and that you want more.

  • If he really knocks your socks off, let him know by returning the favor. Blow his mind by doing something you know he loves. It may sound a bit impersonal, but a man’s mind works that way sometimes. This sort of reward system, if done properly, buries in his subconscious and he will associate doing what you like with getting what he likes.

The last stage of each lesson should be feedback. Voice a reaction to your lovemaking session, but do it with finesse. Use the tips below to close each chapter of training in such a way that his ego is in tact and you are that much closer to having the best sex of your life.

  • It doesn’t have to be a formal discussion. In fact, the more casual your feedback is, the more he receptive he will be. For example, you could tell him, “You know, honey, I loved it when you ____ and I was thinking that next time, we could ____” and gently tell him what it is that you want from him.

  • Be open and willing to talk about your desires with him, but make sure you are inquiring about his desires just as much.

  • Don’t always have suggestions. Give him a lot of encouragement by telling him how hot the sex was, how much you keep thinking about him touching you, etc. Again, don’t pretend to feel that way if you don’t, but there are surely things you could pick out of every experience to praise him for. He needs compliments just as much as you do.

  • Once in a while, it’s ok to give him a little sting. If he is doing something that drives you nuts, you may have to come right out and say it. Just make sure that when you do, he feels very loved and assured before and after. You don’t want to tack a sting onto a lesson already in progress. Let things ride for a while, then break the news, and then give him a while to get over the blast before resuming your lessons.

Be patient with your lover. Take one lesson at a time and give him a chance to master it before moving onto the next one. He wants to be the ultimate lover just as much as you want him to be.

Master The Art of the Kiss

Master The Art of the Kiss
"I ran up the door, opened the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers - turned off my bed, tumbled into my light, and all because he kissed me good-night!" ~Author Unknown

There's nothing quite as remarkable and unforgettable as the exchange of an amazing kiss. The meeting of lips can evoke such a myriad of emotions and communicate your desires in a way that nothing else can quite compare. Even better, when you've got the skills, your lips become a weapon in the war of passion and lust. If you're ready to tease and torture your love to a passionate exchange of heavy lip-locking, consider these tips and ideas.

Kissing 101: Techniques for Lovers

Want to get down to the nitty gritty of kissing like a sex goddess? First, start with the key elements to a great kiss -- pressure, duration, texture, and relaxation.

When it comes to pressure, you don't want to smash your lips into each other, but you don't want to feel like you're kissing air either. Find a happy medium that allows you to vary your intensity from gentle to passionate, depending on the mood.

The duration of the kiss should correlate to the mood you are trying to create. If you want to be a teasing tart, quick and suggestive kisses would be a better choice. If you want to fill them with wanton longing and need, a longer, more passionate exchange would fit the bill.

The condition of your lips is a very large part of your kissing experience. Make sure to keep them from getting overly chapped by using chapstick or lipstick regularly. Also, if you know you're going to have a heated exchange, save his lips and avoid the extra lipstick.

Relaxation is really only critical when it comes to your first kissing exchanges. You can completely blow a first kiss opportunity by being to rigid and stiff with your lips because of nerves. Just remember to enjoy the exchange. If you end up spending your time worrying about your kiss, it will show and you'll have ruined the moment anyway.

Kissing 102: A Flirty Guide

Now that you've got the basics down, try exploring a little and getting creative with the tips below.

Did you know our brains have special neurons that help us find each other's lips in the dark? Add a sense of mystery and test out the science of kissing with an after-dark or blindfolded exchange.

Scents and tastes are all big turn-ons. Take advantage of this and use a little flavored lip gloss for an unexpected pleasure.

Mix things up and vary your kisses with your partner. Kiss harder, then lighter. Draw away from your partner to make them work for it a little bit and then give in and go all out. Play with your technique for the best results.

Don't just love the lips. Keep in mind there are other erogenous zones near the lips as well. Divert some of your attention to their jawbone, ears and throat.

Get caught up in the moment. Nothing ruins a kiss more than realizing your partner's just not that into it or their mind is on something else. If you're going to make-out, leave everything else behind you and just revel in the sensations.

Kissing 103: An Advanced Primer

If you're ready to take your kissing to the next level, these reader ideas might be just the ticket to spice things up.

A Kiss to Remember
My boyfriend surprises me every now and then with a kiss to remember. First he licks my upper and lower lips and then kisses them softly and passionately. I've been with him for a year and 3 months and it still gets to me every time. Try it and see for yourself!
--submitted by Angelic

Breathe You In
This is a passionate way to love your partner. When you are both lying down and kissing, try putting your lips together and gently breathe into one another. He exhales while you inhale and vice versa. This is so romantic. I love to do this with my lover, hopefully you will too.
--submitted by Carolyn

Brushed Kisses
When you go in to kiss your partner, give them one soft kiss on the lips, then brush your lips across theirs. Go back and forth about three or four times and then give another couple of soft kisses. This always leads to a more passionate kiss. If they try to kiss you while you're brushing against their lips, pull back a bit. My girlfriend does this to me and it drives me nuts, but I LOVE IT!
--submitted by Matt

Cooling Kisses
Start by gently kissing your partner's jaw line and as you kiss, blow on the spot that has just been kissed. It makes it tingle and feels so special!
--submitted by Emily

Icy Hot Kisses
One of you sucks on an ice cube, while the other takes a sip of a hot drink. Then kiss! The chemistry created by this kiss is incredible!
--submitted by Sexybabe1

Make His Head Spin
On our fourth date, my wife, instead of just giving me a sweet kiss and nicely stepping out of the car, grabbed me by the tie, pulled me towards her and kissed me hard for three seconds. Then she let go, dashed out of the car and into her house. It's been some years since that happened and my head is still spinning!!
--submitted by Anonymous

Taking Control
One thing I love to do with my boyfriend is to tease him a bit. First, I run my fingers along his lips, but pull away if he tries to kiss them. Then, I tell him that he isn’t allowed to kiss me back or touch me at all, or else I will stop. I follow that up by slowly kissing every part of his lips and his mouth. While doing this, I run my hands over his body, but pull away if I feel him react at all. He said it drove him crazy! It's fun for both of you: a major turn-on for the receiver and the giver!
--submitted by Anonymous

Teasing Kiss
My boyfriend and I love to tease each other while kissing. In the middle of a kiss, one of us leans back so the other has to move in to reach their lips. As they reach in, keep moving back a little further each time so they can’t reach. This game builds the anticipation of the kiss. Once they finally reach, it will be the most passionate and deep kiss you will ever have.
--submitted by Anonymous

Teasing Kisses
My favorite kiss begins like this…. First, I put my head on his shoulder, and start giving him little innocent kisses at the base of his neck. As I get farther up the neck, I open my mouth more, so it he feels the kisses a little more. By the time I reach his ear, he’s going crazy. Then I stop with a little baby kiss,run my tongue up the outside curve of the ear, and then finally gently biting the earlobe. It helps to breathe a lot on his skin while doing this, because the air on the place where you lick tingles.
--submitted by MaybeBaby

Upside Down Kiss
The most playful and teasing way to kiss is upside down!... with your partner lying face up, start from the lips kissing them upside down...exploring and teasing kisses in this position can drive your partner crazy and who knows where the kisses will lead!
--submitted by Ohioengineer2

28 Creative Love Letter Ideas

28 Creative Love Letter Ideas

1. Audio Love Letter
My boyfriend and I are about to be separated again for school. What I did to help us cope with the distance (and the long drives) was find a lot of songs that either expressed my feelings for him, or had special meaning for us (like songs we had laughed about or did karaoke together, etc.). I wrote a "letter" on the CD with all the titles snuck in like "soon I'll be CALLING YOU again to tell you I love you." I made another copy of the CD for myself, and he's wrote a letter on it for me, too. As soon as he saw it he started to choke up!! It was such a great moment and just listening to it makes me feel close to him. I hope it works for you, too!
--submitted by Anonymous

2. Message In A Bottle
When you're in a long distance relationship, all you can rely on is letters, cards, emails, and telephone calls. But my boyfriend came up with a creative way to send me a letter. I got a package from him one day and I found a bottle with a letter inside! It was really cute and melted my heart! Who isn't charmed by received a message in a bottle!
Submitted by Anonymous

3. Dated...
This is not so much an idea, but something that I did for my love. I never believed in love at first sight until I met Micheal. It wasn't quite love at first sight, but following our first date, there were feelings inside me that went far beyond expression. I didn't want to say something that I may regret later, or more likely, something that would scare him away, but I had to let it out or I would simply explode. I sat down and wrote him a letter telling him of my feelings for him. I told him that I thought I was falling in love with him and that I thought he was absolutely wonderful. I put it in an envelope and mailed it to my own home, but with his name on the envelope. It was only a couple weeks later when he expressed that he felt the same feelings about me, and so I pulled the letter out of my drawer and handed it to him. Noticing the post-marked date, he read the letter with complete astonishment, and was totally charmed to know that I had fallen in love with him on our very first date.
Submitted by Megan

4. Secret Admirer
I find that the most romantic gestures take a little time to do. Write a glorious infatuation letter, even better type it to conceal your handwriting. Try to make sure there are no tips to give you away, but put hints in it that would make her think it might be somebody else she knows. Use things you might know about her job, or places she might go, but things other people can also know. You might even scare her by telling her you followed her home. Sign it Your Secret Admirer, and send it to her by mail. Send flowers anonymously. Candy, Poetry, whatever you can think of. I set this up for a month, and when I let on who her secret admirer was, I never felt so gratified. It made her feel good that she thought she was still desirable, and when she found out it was me it made it all the better.

5. A letter hunt
My boyfriend told me that he would leave me a love note on my computer for when I got home. Well, he did just that and more. He sent me running around the house finding these little "clues" to where the real love letter was. After running up and down the stairs, finding clues in the cookie jar, ice cream container, under my pillow, in the bathroom, on the tv, and so on-he led me to the wine cellar in the basement where there sat a dozen roses with yet another "clue" as to where my love letter was. He had taped it to the back of the teddy bear he gave me for x-mas. It was the sweetest thing in the world even though I felt silly running through the house like I did.
Submitted by Anonymous

6. A Single Rose Love Letter
Who says that flowers are only for girls? Guys love them too. I bought a beautiful rose for my boyfriend and plucked almost all of the petals off of it. Attached to each petal, I wrote one sentence on a small piece of paper (rolled up) telling him how much he means to me. I placed the petals face up so he couldn't see the messages. When he opened the box, he saw the left over plucked rose, a small note explaining what's behind each petal, and the petals underneath. I can honestly say that the reciever will cherish that gift forever. :o) My boyfriend did, and right after he confessed his love for me. To this day, he still takes out the dried rose petals to read each note that explains how much I admire and love him.
Submitted by Cathy

7. Say it with their name
Send your partner roses according to how many letters there name has. For example: "manny". You would buy 5 red roses and with each rose you would write a message starting with the first letter of their name. For example M: My love. You will never imagine how much I love you. Then for the second rose you would write: All that I ever have wanted is you and only you. then you would finish until you get to the letter Y. Before writing the note you must underline the first letter of every message. It will spell out his /her name. Then leave it where he/she will see it or just have it sent.
Submitted by Ledy Dejesus

8. Floating love letter
Save the next empty wine bottle, the next time you surprise your partner with that bubble bath, write a love letter and stick it in the bottle, cork it and float it in the bath water : )
by Anonymous

9. Love Notes
I love leaving little love notes around the house, but you want to make sure that you leave them where your love one will find them. Two ways this can be done.
(1) buy magnetic letters (bookstores sell) and place them on the refig., they are bound to go there sooner or later.
(2) use a soap bar and write your romantic message on the bathroom mirror. It won't do damage to mirror and is easy to get off with a little water.
by Nicholas

10. Say it in a BIG way!
The other day I made a large envelope and a large note that said, "I love you in the biggest way!" I even went out on the Internet to download pictures of stamps and blew them up in size. Then I had the apartments where she lives call her to the office to pick up an "important" letter...
Submitted by Mike Johnston

11. Book of Love
This is something I did for my boyfriend, and he loved it! I thought of My ten favorite things about him, then wrote a letter about each one and how much it meant to me. I put all the letters (after I'd spent tons of time perfecting and decorating them) together into a little book, and give it to him for our anniversary. Big success!!
Submitted by Sabrina

12. Letter a day...
If your loved one is going away for vacation or a short trip, take a pink colored notepad and for each day that he's gone write a separate love letter, so that he can read one everyday and be close to you. (I tried it-- and it worked better than I thought!)
Submitted by Loving

13. Love Letter Ideas
I like to send my boyfriend a letter (snail mail) every week. However, I want every letter to be as new and exciting as for him as the first, so I try to be creative. Some ideas:
- send a letter in a bottle (be extra careful with the packaging so it won't break)
-write a letter on the back of a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle, then take it apart and let them put it together
-instead of sending a written letter, send a video cassette of yourself telling everything you want your special person to know.
Submitted by Anonymous

14. Love Letter Ideas
I've found that one way to easily make an ordinary letter or package more special for somebody, is to decorate the package or envelope that you're sending. When one of my loves sent me a teddy bear, she lined the inside of the box with gift wrapping paper, and I still cherish that box to this day. If you've got a letter you wanna decorate, and you're not a good artist, then get some stickers. Too many of us forget about stickers after about grade school, but you can attach a cute or lovable sticker to anything at all, and whatever it touches will become special. A lot of restaurants and stores will have sticker dispensers that have those shiny, metallic stickers, they are superb. But don't just get the envelope, hit the letter itself, and be sure to perfume those pages. Perfumed pages are incredibly sensual. A good way to accomplish this is to put perfume on your wrist before you start writing. As your wrist moves across the paper, it'll be scented. Yet another thing you can do to make a letter more romantic is to write something on the flap, so the first thing your love sees when they open the envelope is an, "I love you" or something else. Before they even begin reading, they'll already be smitten with love.
Submitted by Klancy Kennedy

15. In A Different Language
Write your loved one a long, romantic, handwritten letter in a different language (friends come awfully handy if you don't know that much). Give it to him/her with something you treasure (in my case, he gave me his lucky pen). They'll have a memorable time getting the letter translated, and they'll be inspired to do the same. *smile*
Submitted by Gemma

16. Laundry Surprise
If your loved one does your laundry, write a love letter and leave it in a pocket. On laundry day he/she will find it while checking for forget me's. Make sure to write his/her name on it so he/she will read it, not just toss it in the waste.
Submitted by Anonymous

17. Word Power
When sending your loved one a card or letter, handwrite a word find puzzle on the envelope with the words "I Love You" hidden and ask her to find the hidden phrase. Nice little treat!
Submitted by James

18. A Simple Letter of Love
A simple letter to show them how you feel usually makes them smile. My boyfriend and I are in high school and we were kind of fighting. Well, one day I went all day without seeing him at all. When school got out he was waiting for me by the doors and he handed me a letter and told me to open it. I opened it and all the way down the paper it said, "I love you." Then at the very bottom it said, "Hope this makes up for the times when I didn't say I love you or it didn't seem like I did. I'll always love you a million times more than what you think." I looked up and he kissed me right in front of his friends and sister. It was so sweet! See what a simple letter can do to make things better?
Submitted by Tiffanie Merrill

19. I Love You Blanket
Find out his favorite colors and make him a blanket preferably fleece and on one side using felt letters write something like "cover you in kisses" or "I Love you" or "Wrapping you in my love" or something like that. I'm giving it to my BF for christmas I hope it goes well!
Submitted by Anonymous

20. Rescue Me!
I did this for my boyfriend and I's 1st anniversary, He loved it. OK, I got a big glass bottle with a cork on top. You glue sand on the out side, make sure that it looks like the bottle has been laying on the sand for a very long time. and glue shells,sea weed etc. Then some how get some one to draw you. (make sure you like) Then write a nice letter about how you two got together and how you feel now. Then roll the papers up and place then in the bottle. Oh an extra tip.. drop some perfume on the cork. Enjoy!
Submitted by Emily Aguilar

21. A Letter To Remember
Before your wedding write a letter to your husband to be and have them write one to you. Write about anything. But, focus on your relationship with that person. Then put both letters in a safe deposit box. On your 25th anniversary exchange letters that you wrote to each other.
Submitted by stacy nelson

22. A Ransom Note
Champagne, games, and roses are nice but can get very boring after a while. Instead, get creative and do something off the wall. My girlfriend has this stuffed animal that she adores and keeps on her bed. So I decided to kidnap the stuffed animal making a ransom note from cutting letters out of the news paper.In the letter it said " give me a McDonalds cheeseburger and a six pack of beer or your stuffed pig is pork." Then I took a picture of it on a plate with an apple by it and a fork and knife by the edge of the plate. I then placed the ransom letter and picture on her door. Of course when she saw it she new it was me but we had a fun time with it. She would make playful and sarcastic comments and of course I played back. Needless to say I gave the stuffed animal back making myself look like the hero and she rewarded me with a nite of love. However, your mate must have a good sense of hummor or you might spend the nite on the couch.
Submitted by brian

23. Candy Bar Card
For my boyfriend's birthday, I got a big poster board and I wrote him a letter using candy bars. It said things like you're better than the Three Musketeers, and meet me at 5th Avenue so I can see your Whatchamacalit. Then at the end I put little hugs and kisses. He absolutely loved it and still has it.
Submitted by carrie lynn

24. Covered In Love
Write a surprise love letter to your significant other on a bed sheet (the one you use to cover up with).
Submitted by Sarah

25. Butterflies
I was getting ready to go out with an old girlfriend I had not seen in five years. I was waiting for her to show up at my apartment and was very nervous. When she arrived I couldn't believe how beautiful she was, more than I had remembered. She looked wonderful. Anyway we had a spectacular evening of dinner and dancing. After she left that evening I couldn't stop thinking about her so I decided send her a letter the following week. The letter had small stickers of butterflies I had placed all over it with a message that read "These are the butterflies you gave me last Friday when I heard you walking up the steps to my apartment. I thought you might like them back." She absolutely loved it!!
Submitted by Anonymous

26. An Overlooked I Love You
Once, when my boyfriend and I were having a rough time on a special day, I cut out nine small paper hearts, wrote one letter of "I LOVE YOU!" on each, and colored them pink and red. I put the hearts in an envelope with a sheet of paper. On the paper I had made outlines of the hearts (from when I colored them) with nine overlooked reasons why I love him, one in each.
Submitted by Anonymous

27. Message In A Bottle
For our one year anniversary, I wanted to do something special for my boyfriend, but I wasn't sure what to do. Then, while shopping at a craft store, I came upon a beautiful, blue bottle with a cork. Inspired by the recent movie, "Message in a Bottle", I wrote my boyfriend a three page letter reviewing the past year, and expressing my everlasting love for him. Then I tied the letter with a ribbon, put it in the bottle, put the cork in tightly, and then dated it. When I give it to him, he won't be allowed to open it...he will have to wait until the following year. A year later, as he opens the bottle from the previous year, he will be presented with another message in a bottle. Hopefully, we will be together long enough so that he will eventually have many, many bottles!! :)
Submitted by Anonymous

28. Being There For Your Love!
Write your love a love letter using kiddie stickers that say things like "terrific" or "top notch" or the like. It's a colorful way to spice up an ordinary love letter and will be sure to make his/her day that you put in the extra time.

Romantic Nicknames

Romantic Nicknames

Suggest A Nickname!

Romantic Nicknames Is it time to give your snookums a new romantic nickname? Below is a list of 250 of the most popular romantic nicknames chosen by members of LYC! From Lover Boy to Sweety Cakes, we've got you covered! Don't Forget: When choosing a nickname for your partner, make sure it has some special meaning for the two of you.

All Mine
Angel Baby
Angel Bunny
Angel Eyes
Angel Face
Angel Girl
Baby Angel
Baby Bear
Baby Boo
Baby Cakes
Baby Doll
Baby Doodle
Baby Face
Baby Girl
Baby Love
Bad Kitty
Big Daddy
Big Guy
Big Kitty
Blue Eyes
Boo Bear
Boogie Bear
Boy Toy
Bright Eyes
Brown Sugar
Captain Underpants
Care Bear
Cherry Pie
Chocolate Bunny
Chocolate Drop
Cool Breeze
Cuddle Bear
Cuddle Bug
Cuddle Bunny
Cuddle Cakes
Cuppy Cake
Cutie Pie
Dearest One
Deep Waters
Doll Face
Doodle Bug
Gummie Bear
Honey Bear
Honey Bee
Honey Bunch
Honey Bunny
Honey Buns
Honey Lamb
Honey Lips
Honey Love
Honey Muffin
Honey Pie
Honey Plum
Hot Honey
Hot Mama
Hot Stuff
Hubby Wubby
Kit Kat
Lady Bug
Lemon Drop
Little Kinky
Little Mama
Little Monkey
Little Muppet
Love Angel
Love Bear
Love Bug
Love Heart
Love Muffin
Love Nugget
Love Sponge

Lover Boy
Lover Bunny
Lovey Dovey
Mi Amor
My Angel
My Beloved
My Buttercup
My Heart
My King
My Lion
My Love
My Lovely
My Queen
Papa Bear
Passion Fruit
Pookie Bear
Precious Angel
Precious Princess
Pretty Lady
Prince Charming
Red Rose
Sex Kitten
Sex Machine
Sex Muffin
Sexy Bear
Sexy Kitten
Sexy Lady
Sexy Legs
Sexy Pie
Sexy Sweet Thang
Smoochie Poo
Snow Bunny
Snow Pea
Snuggle Bear
Snuggle Bug
Snuggle Bunny
Snuggle Pooh

Sparky Star
Stud Muffin
Sugar Babe
Sugar Bear
Sugar Biscuit
Sugar Britches
Sugar Buns
Sugar Cookie
Sugar Free
Sugar Lips
Sugar Mama
Sugar Muffin
Sugar Pants
Sugar Pie
Sugar Pumpkin
Sweet Baby
Sweet Cheeks
Sweet Kitten
Sweet Lover
Sweet Pea
Sweet Peach
Sweet Stuff
Sweet Tart
Sweetie Pie
Sweety Cakes
Teddy Bear
Tootsie Roll
Twinkle Toes
Wuggle Bear
Yummy Bear
What's your favorite romantic nickname?

Dear love


I have been married for over four and a half years. The first two years were great. We got along, had fun with each other, talked all the time, and did all the things married people in love do. Then things changed. I suspected that my husband no longer wanted to be married to me, and I haven’t been able to figure out why or what I did wrong to make him feel that way. He began to pull away and started to do things separate from me, things he didn’t do before we got married or during the time of our marriage. He also started getting really stingy with me. He used to buy me really nice gifts for birthdays and anniversaries, now he was going on the cheap -- and I mean cheap! He also got really distant emotionally and started to exclude me from functions that he used to include me in. We have frequent "fights" now, and they usually start out with me trying to communicate my unhappiness with this marriage to him. They end up with him telling me he is going to get a divorce! He doesn’t want to hear anything I have to say, and I am not allowed to express any discontent to him whatsoever without him yelling for divorce. I just do not know what to do anymore and feel very confused and very lonely in this marriage. I am left to my own devices most of the time. He goes about his business and ignores me when he is home 90% of the time. I am so sad and hurt by this behavior, but he won't tell me why he acts this way or why he wants out of the marriage. What can I do? Should I just give up and leave so I can find someone else who really loves me and wants to be with me before I get too old? I really need an answer soon please.
--Feeling Unwanted

Dear Feeling Unwanted,
Well, to be blunt, your answer is yes. You should leave him. It takes two to make a marriage. If he’s not going to take any steps toward resolving this or even tell you what’s wrong, there’s nothing more you can do. Two years is a long time to go through this. It’s probably safe to say you’ve tried everything. If divorce is what he really wants, and he’s not man enough to tell you why or get it done himself, it’s seriously time to take matters into your own hands. Since he doesn’t seem to be as emotional mature as you may have thought he was, you need to be prepared for the possibility of a nasty divorce process. Get support from friends and family and let them in on what’s happening. I would even consider hiring a divorce attorney or mediator to save you from potential drama. You’ll also need to keeping in mind that you may never know why your husband has done a complete 180, so don’t dwell on it. Also, try not to let this experience affect your search for a new romantic partner. While some situations may not go as planned, others can work out perfectly. Take your time and do whatever it takes to let go of any emotional baggage from this relationship before moving on to a new one.

With Love,